Zumwalt Prairie, June 25 - 29, 2023

This is the second visit for the Nature Conservancy brochure I am working on. The summer heat is beginning to show in the brownness of the grasses, but there were still many wildflowers in bloom. The new ones have been added to the Wildflowers section, but some highlights are here. The Prairie is one incredible place that I definitely recommend getting to some time for any wildflower enthusiast.

Big Pod or White Mariposa Lily

Sunset over the Prairie

Ragged Robin, which covered large areas in the grassland, see below

Monument Plant; the entire plant will get close to three feet tall

The eastern side of Zumwalt Prairie, the canyons of the Imnaha River and Hell’s Canyon

Thin-leaved Owl’s Clover

Prairie Smoke in seed, a wispy seed pod shows why these are sometimes called Old Man’s Whiskers

Field of Ragged Robin


Iron Mountain, July 2, 2023


Grassy Knoll, June 21, 2023