Paradise Park, August 14 and 15, 2023

One of the most beautiful areas on Mt Hood, the hike into Paradise Park is about 6 and a half miles of up and down with one river crossing. Fortunately, the Zig Zag River isn’t very wide as it flows down the mountain, so the crossing is not that difficult (though I did manage to fall in on our return trip). The hike down into the Zig Zag canyon is long and dusty on a gorgeous summer day, whereas the hike up out of the canyon seems even longer and harder. But the rewards of this hike are truly worth the work you have to put in to get to the Park. The flower fields are bursting with color: the pale blue to purple asters and fleabanes and lupines; the reds of paintbrush and fireweed; the yellows of monkeyflowers; and whites of the bear grass, Sitka Valerian and American Bistort. And of course, the views of the mountain itself: wow!!! The hike starts at Timberline Lodge (6000 feet in elevation) and wanders to the meadows at very close to the same elevation. There are numerous viewpoints along the way both down into the valleys and up to the mountain. The campsite we found had views up to the peak, down into the valley with a steep waterfall we listened to all night long. And the sunset was stunning! (Unfortunately due to smoke from nearby wildfires.) And we watched the Perseid Meteor shower’s streaking lights of the tails of the meteors as they blazed through.

Bear grass

Wandering fleabane

Streamside with Monkeyflowers of red and yellow

Sitka Valerian

View of Mt Hood with false hellebore, lupine and American bistort

Broadleaf lupine

Mountain Monkeyflower


Pasqueflower seed heads, sometimes called Old Man’s Whiskers

Lost Creek along the trail

Davis’s Knotweed

Fringed Grass of Parnassus

Streamside with Monkeyflowers

Broadleaf Arnica

Sunset from our campsite


Killen Creek Trail, August 30, 2023


Sisters, Oregon August 9 - 12, 2023